New Zealand



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Where can I find the questionnaire?

Above in a section "QUESTIONNAIRE". Please click on Questionnaire ENGLISH.

Who can participate in this study?

If you are a university student studying in New Zealand we are looking for you!

What is the purspose of this research?

This research consists of a questionnaire that asks about personal well-being and a social engagement. The goal is to understand the relationship between social engagement and subjective well-being across the cultures.

Who is conducting a research?

Dr Alena Slezackova and MA Stepanka Dvorakova are principal investigators. The collaborating researchers from New Zealand are Dr. Aaron Jarden and Dr. Fiona Howard.

What is involved if you agree to participate?

If you agree to participate in this study you will complete a short survey. A survey asks you about your satisfaction with your life, happiness and social engagement. The whole study won´t take you more that 15 min to complete.

There is no risk in this study that arise from your participation. During the research you are free to withdraw at any poit before your survey has been completed.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • The research has been approved by Psychology Department Ethics Comittee.
  • This survey is completely anonymous.
  • We will keep your survey at least 5 years after publication.
  • In accordance with the requirements of some scientific journals and organizations, your coded survey may be shared with other competent researchers.
  • Your coded data may be used in other, related studies.

A copy of the coded data will remain in custody of principal investigators.

What happens to the information that you provide?

The data you provide may be used for one or more of the following purposes:

  • The overall findings may be submitted for publication in a scientific journal, or presented at scientific conferences.
  • The overall findings may form part of a doctoral thesis that will be submitted for assessment.


If you would like to know the results of this study, there will be a reference of the first publication available on this websites. They can also be emailed to you if you contact us:


Thank you for considering participation in this research.

Please click on the "QUESTIONNAIRE" tab above to begin the survey.